After categorically refusing to consider directing a sequel or a prequel to Watchmen, director Zack Snyder did tell IESB’s Robert Sanchez that he was eager to helm a sequel to 300, but only after Frank Miller has completed the graphic novel on which the film will be based. Snyder said that he does not want to have any input on the graphic novel. Only after Miller completes the book will “they delve into writing a script for the movie.”
Snyder told IESB that the action in Miller’s new graphic novel will take place between the Battle of Thermopylae and the Battle of Plataea, which happens to be the battle where Dillos, the narrator of 300, recounts the story of the Battle of Thermopylae to the assembled Greek warriors. The Battle of Plataea was the decisive land battle between the Greeks and the Persians that sealed the fate of the Persian invaders. There was about a year between the battles of Thermopylae and
Given the enormous success of the 300 movie there is a huge financial incentive to create a sequel, though it should be remembered that Frank Miller, who both wrote and directed an adaptation of Will Eisner’s The Spirit that is opening on Christmas Day, is a very busy man these days with lots of potentially lucrative opportunities both inside and outside of the world of comics.