Konami Digital Entertainment has responded to Upper Deck’s announcement on the lack of availability of Yu-Gi-Oh! Champion Packs (see “No Yu-Gi-Oh! Champion Packs”) by stating that it has terminated Upper Deck’s distribution agreement and that it (Konami) is the only authorized distributor for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG. “Despite what was recently announced by The Upper Deck Company (UDC), the distribution agreement between Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. (KDE) and UDC for
Konami terminated its distribution agreement with Upper Deck in December and Upper Deck filed suit (see “Konami Takes Over YGO TCG”). Konami was unsuccessful in its efforts to get an injunction to force Upper Deck to stop selling the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG (see “Upper Deck Gets Favorable U.S. Ruling”).