Headquarters: 555 8th Ave., Suite 1202, New York, NY 10018
Phone: 212-643-5407
Fax: 212-463-1545
Website URL: http://www.nbmpub.com
Business founded: 1976
Employees: 6
Number of locations: 1
Consumer/Customer service contact:
Contact name: May Wong
Phone: 212-643-5407
Fax: 212-463-1545
E-mail: orders@nbmpub.com
First-time retailer contact:
Contact name: Tony Shenton
Phone: 888-789-6147
Fax: 718-923-1149
E-mail: shenton_sales@netfreemail.com
First-time distributor contact:
Contact name: Terry Nantier
Phone: 212-643-5407
Fax: 212-643-1545
E-mail: nantier@nbmpub.com
Critically acclaimed graphic novel publisher offering a variety of comics from North America and Europe. Licensed properties cover a wide range of subject matter ranging from humor to the erotic and sci-fi to regular fiction.
A diverse line of graphic novels, comic books, magazines, and books featuring the works of prominent creators such as Will Eisner, P. Craig Russel, Ted Rall, Peter Kuper, Rick Geary, Milo Manara, Kevin Taylor, Quinn, Michael Manning and many more. Products can be obtained through various brick and mortar retailers such as comic stores and video stores. Also carried by catalogue retailers and e-commerce retailers.
Becoming an account
Sells to distributors, retailers and direct to consumers. Some distributors that carry NBM products include Diamond, FM International, Cold Cut, Last Gasp, Koen, Baker & Taylor, Ingram, Bookazine, Southeastern Sales, Capitol News, William Trading, and Transformers. For wholesale retailers, a retail certificate is only required for New York accounts. First time wholesale accounts may use credit cards. Standard terms: 50% discount, UPS COD, free freight for $100 minimum ($5 COD fee for under $100); 55% discount for order of 100+ books. Returnable terms also available.
Consumer marketing: advertising in magazines, online, and distributor catalogues. Presence at conventions and website maintained. Consumer catalogue also produced. Trade marketing: Advertising in trade magazines, online and in distributor catalogues. Trade shows attended. Retailer mailings and mass e-mailing are done as well. Field reps used.
Orders solicited in advance of publication and orders are sometimes used as a gauge to determine production quantities. Product is available for reorder. Special versions are sometimes produced for different channels.
Retailer sales
Pricing based on quantity purchased (see above). Minimum wholesale order is 5 books. No co-op advertising available. Returns available for damages and mistakes. Unsold and undamaged inventory returns are also accepted (based on returnable terms). Products are available outside of the U.S. through NBM and various distributors.