Buffy auteur Joss Whedon will write a one-shot comic for Dark Horse, which will be one of several one-shots released in December. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Willow, a 40-page, $3.50 comic, will be released December 23rd with art by Whedon’s Fray co-creator Karl Moline. The comic will help unravel the mysteries of what
The Buffy one-shot is only one of several stand-alone one-shots that Dark Horse is planning for December, all $3.50 40-pagers.
Hellboy: The Bride of Hell will be written by Mike Mignola with art by Richard Corben and cover by Dave Stewart. Hellboy tracks down a 19-year-old girl who’s been kidnapped and is about to be given to Asmodeus.
Conan the Cimmerian: The Weight of the Crown, written and drawn by Darick Robertson with cover by Tony Avina, will take place between the Cimmeria and Black Colossus story arcs in the Conan monthly series. It goes on sale December 16th.
The Empowered one-shot (in b/w) will be the only time the property has appeared in a traditional comic format. Art and story are by Adam Warren.