Marvel has released a graphic featuring a second member of the cast of the new Avengers Academy comic book series by Christos Gage and Mike McKone, and it’s another new character, Striker.  From the look of his costume it appears that his powers are electrical in nature and the whole “flash of lightning” effect would certainly make some sense out of his poster pronouncement, “I don’t want the spotlight.  I am the spotlight.”


He won’t be the first “lightning-based” superhero associated with the Avengers, since Living Lightning (Miguel Santos), who is currently part of the Rangers, was a member of the West Coast Avengers and participated in the Kree/Shi’ar War. 


But it seems fairly clearly that Striker is completely new character and that Marvel plans on populating at least the student body portion of Avengers Academy with new heroes.  It turns out that the first Avengers Academy reveal, Veil, is a new character and not related to the previous character with the same name (see “Marvel Preps 4th Avengers Title).”