Kotobukiya has revealed four new releases for spring, featuring characters from Manaka de Ikuno!! Final Dragon Chronicle Guilty Requiem and Magical Girl Nanoha plus Colossus from the Danger Room Sessions. 


Tanaki Red Armor Samurai, from the RPG parody Manaka de Ikuno!! Final Dragon Chronicle Guilty Requiem is 8-1/2” tall (1/8 scale) at $69.99 and will ship in March.

Manaka Sage Ver., also from Manaka de Ikuno!!, is 8” tall (1/8 scale), also at $69.99, and will ship in April.


Fate Testarossa—Everyday Wear from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha is 6-1/2” tall (1/8 scale) at $69.99, and will also ship in April.

Marvel Danger Room Session Colossus, the fifth character in the line, is over 15” tall (1/6 scale) and stands on a Danger Room holographic environment that glows with an LED light in the base.  It will retail for $249.99 and ship in May.