Liquid Comics, in association with Dynamite Entertainment, has produced Deepak Chopra Presents: Buddha: A Tale of Enlightenment ($24.99) a graphic novel adaptation of Chopra’s novel Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment. The 160-page hardcover graphic novel tells the story of Siddhartha, the prince who abandons his palace to experience life and eventually achieves spiritual enlightenment, becoming Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.
Chopra worked on the script with Joshua Dysart and the artwork was produced by Liquid’s studio of Indian artists led by Dean Hyrapiet and edited by Liquid Comics Co-Founder Gotham Chopra. The hardcover will be in bookstores in December 14th and will also be available as a digital comic book series through, the Sony Reader Store and the iPad.
The story of Siddhartha was previously adapted by Osamu Tezuka in his critically acclaimed manga series Buddha (see “Tezuka’s Buddha Out in October”).