Janice Truppe of Gnu Books in Ajax and Oshawa (Ontario), Canada read Steven Myers' comments on Marvel's upcoming Summer crossover (see "Marvel Announces Summer Crossover") and had this to say.

I agree with Steven Myers, crossovers are fine if they are limited but the big ones with a multitude of miniseries do not help the business at all--especially now.  I have had the same experience with customers opting to stop collecting because they can't collect the whole series; they want it all or nothing.  I also agree that good stories put out regularly will help the business.

It has also been my experience that while some of the ideas that comic shop owners have suggested have been done for the most part they just don't listen to us until it's too late and they realize on their own we were right all along.  We see our customers every day and know what they want.  They should listen to us from the beginning save us all a lot of business.

The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the vie of the editorial staff of ICv2.com.