While ComicsPRO's planned promotion with Marvel for Orson Scott Card's Formic Wars has been canceled due to Distribution Concerns, I wanted to take a moment to clarify ComicsPRO's standpoint on developing exclusive benefits for our members.
ComicsPRO has a wide slate of benefits specifically for our members, and we see the promotion of Formic Wars completely in line with that. Our members enjoy a range of benefits including preferential rates on credit card processing through Chase Paymentech, special pricing on merchandise from BCW, Squishables and Lamp-In-A-Box; price breaks on MOBY and ComicSuite point-of-sale software, and a host of other deals... specifically for our members.
Here's a simple fact: There is absolutely nothing wrong with preferential treatment! Anyone belong to AAA and get perks and discounts on travel and roadside service? Anyone old enough to belong to AARP and get that org's senior discounts and preferential pricing?
Many of our members have saved money with our benefits much in excess of their annual dues. ComicsPRO is definitely an investment in your business and in your chosen career.
ComicsPRO members are making good efforts to effect positive change, not just for our members, but for all retailers. Those retailers on the sidelines, though, wouldn't know that. We do try harder for those who have made the investment and effort to add their voices to our trade association. There is something a little strange about some non-member retailers feeling a sense of entitlement for every perk that comes down the path.
Every comic book retailer is welcome and invited to join ComicsPRO. Our organization can better represent the needs of all professional comic book retailers when you add your voice, your time and yes, your dues to our group. No need to sit on the sidelines when you can be an active part of ComicsPRO and reap the benefits we are finding for our members.
ComicsPRO's 5th annual meeting is coming up February 10-12 in Dallas. We invite you to join us there for what will be our largest gathering to date. Most of our major suppliers in this business will be there, too. Our 5th annual meeting should also be a signal to everyone that, even in the tough times, we are strong and We Are Not Going Away!
You can't beat us, so you might as well join us!
The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the writer, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the editorial staff of ICv2.com.