Canadian game publisher Guardians of Order announced a new 30mm pewter superhero miniature line that will debut in February 2003. Multi-award-winning sculptress Sandra L. Garrity has fashioned the figures based on characters from the Guardians of Order superhero RPG, Silver Age Sentinels (published in two game systems, including d20, see 'Guardians of Order Announces d20 Superhero RPG').
Guardians plans to release four figures every two months. The first group will include Sentinel, Kreuzritter, Slipstream, and Alice, Queen of Hearts. Casting will be by Reaper Miniatures. Painted versions of some of the first series are shown here; the minis will be sold unpainted, as is typical for pewter miniatures. For those retailers familiar only with CMG-style miniatures, pewter minis offer some additional add-on sales in the form of paints and brushes.
Guardians' press release calls these miniatures 'perfect for use with any superhero game,' which would apply to the other superhero RPGs in the market (most notably Hero/Champions, see 'Champions Returns'). This is a markedly different product and style of play, however, from the WizKids HeroClix superhero miniature games, which use the pre-painted plastic miniatures with Combat Dials.