Rich Lukes of Comic Collector in Riverside, Illinois has been watching the ongoing discussion of comics for kids (see 'Timothy Davis of Alternate Reality on Comics for Kids' and 'Holly Sedor of 8th St. Books and Comics on Comics for Kids') link to first Davis article and Holly response) and want's to know what's next:


I want to also add my complete support in the idea of coming up with a line of comics for kids.  As it's been voiced, it's something that's been missing for years and sorely needed.  And I commend both Tim and Holly for their eloquent words.

So with that all in mind, what's our next step?  How can we get the big two (or three if you want to count Image) to get behind something like this?  Can we get our views voiced to the powers that be?

I don't want to sound like I'm slighting anything that's been said, but all the talk is just talk, unless we can get someone to listen.