DC Comics successful re-launch of its entire line in September resulted in at least six of the publisher’s comics selling over 100 thousand copies led by Batman #1 which managed a very impressive total of 188,420. Most of the “New 52” books were returnable (though not Batman, Action Comics, Green Lantern, The Flash, Batwoman, Green Lantern: New Guardians, Stormwatch, Swamp Thing, Teen Titans, and Wonder Woman ), and the numbers released by Diamond include 10% cushion for returns, so the actual sales could be higher, and Batman: The Dark Knight #1 may also have surpassed the 100K mark (note ICv2’s numbers include only North American sales through Diamond Comic Distributors, so actual worldwide sales via all channels are obviously larger than ICv2’s totals). The returnable DC titles on the Top 300 list are indicated by the presence of asterisks.
The strong sales of the “New 52” helped push September sales up strongly and give DC its first market share victory over Marvel in years (see “DC Wins September Market Share”). DC dominated the “Top 25” with a record 19 titles versus just 6 for Marvel. In view of the “Top 25,” Marvel’s near parity with DC in dollar market share testifies to the overall strength of Marvel’s lineup as well as to the House of Idea's higher cover prices. There is also some evidence for the “rising tide lifts all boats” theory in the fact that, in spite of the obvious success of DC’s “New 52,” all four of the Marvel titles in the top 25 that were not number one issues, all posted circulation gains over August. With DC’s entire September lineup composed of number ones, it is difficult to provide comparisons, though it should be noted that in the “Top 25” the new DC #1s all outsold the previous issues of the comics with the same title.
There a definite boost to the top echelon of comic titles during September. Secret Avengers #17, the fiftieth title in September sold more copies (44,890) than Punisher #1, the twenty-fifth title in August (44,725).
On the graphic novel side, where sales were considerably weaker than was the case with periodical comics, Bob Schreck’s Legendary Comics got off to a strong start with Frank Miller’s Holy Terror HC, which sold nearly 10,000 copies. The long-awaited Teen Titans Games Hardcover by Marv Wolfman and George Perez took the second spot, ahead of the fourth volume in John Layman’s ingenious Chew series from Image. Marvel’s Castle Premium Hardcover, which finished fourth, is a TV tie-in that was greatlyaided by an overship plan. Another Image title, Nick Spencer’s innovative Morning Glories Vol. 2 managed to take the fifth spot.
Amazingly there were two manga titles in the “Top Ten,” led by Kodansha’s Sailor Moon, which is also tearing it up in the bookstore market (see “Sailor Moon Is #1”). The new edition of the first volume of Sailor Moon actually aced out Viz Media’s Naruto, which remains the overall #1 manga property in the North American market.
Here are ICv2’s estimates of the sales the “Top 25” comic titles sold through Diamond Comic Distributors in September:
188,420 Batman #1
182,748 Action Comics #1
141,682 Green Lantern #1
129,260 Flash #1
118,376 Superman #1*
103,392 Detective Comics #1*
98,389 Batman: The Dark Knight #1*
93,032 Fear Itself #6
87,237 Ultimate Spider-Man #1
85,242 Batman & Robin #1*
84,033 Green Lantern: New Guardians #1
81,489 Batgirl #1*
76,214 Wonder Woman #1
74,769 Green Lantern Corps #1*
73,675 Teen Titans #1
72,272 Aquaman #1*
72,228 Batwoman #1
71,944 Amazing Spider-Man #669
66,546 Red Lanterns #1*
62,856 Justice League Dark #1*
62,717 Nightwing #1*
62,080 Ultimate Comics X-Men #1
61,492 Avengers #17
61,079 Justice League International #1*
58,326 Uncanny X-Men #543
For an analysis of the dollar trends in September, see "DC Wins September Market Share."
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond
For our estimates of actual sales by Diamond
For an overview and analysis of the best-selling comics and graphic novels in August, see "'Justice League' Laps the Field in August." For an analysis of the dollar trends in August, see "Top 300 Shows Less Growth in August."
For our index to our reports on the top comic and graphic novel preorders for January 2000 through September 2011, see "ICv2's Top 300 Comics and Top 300 GNs Index."