Ron Catapano of Comics Plus in Mount Holly, New Jersey saw Marvel COO Bill Jemas' press conference remarks on ordering Namor (see 'Namor 25 Cents Kicks Off 'Tsunami'') and explained how he would order the book:


Namor #1 is released with a 25 cent cover price and the first point is if I order 100 copies (and Marvel prices this like the Daredevil issue) I have the potential to make a whopping $10 profit (about $6 after paying for shipping), but readers get to try a new title cheap so I won't complain.

Issue #2 is released with a $2.25 cover price but must be ordered as I normally would a #2 issue.  What makes this worse than usual is that I had to order #2 at the same time I ordered issue #1 so even if readers like this book, I won't have time to adjust my orders.

Since #1 is almost a giveaway book, I won't have any numbers to base orders on until almost a month after issue #2 comes out.  This means that if this book comes out twice a month, I will have to place orders for at least 6 issues before I even know whether the book is worth the shelf space.

I will be ordering VERY conservatively on this book.  Here's an I.Q. question for you, if someone else wrote a book whose sales went from just 5 copies to 0 by issue #3, and this same writer announced he was doing another title -- a title he said at the outset, was being done for another market, how many copies would you be ordering?