Keith Colvin of Keith's Comics in Dallas, Texas saw Marvel COO Bill Jemas' comments on ordering Namor (see 'Namor 25 cent Book Kicks Off Tsunami'') and shared his thoughts on the topic:

As a guy who was hung up on by Marvel (I guess 'cause I sound like some hick from Texas.  Wait!  I am some hick from Texas!) during one of their top retailer conference calls, at first I took it personally.  After looking at and reading about Marvel's profitability recently I have to say I can't argue with success.  I am here to make money and to ignore the example of a profit maker in my industry would be ill advised.


I probably have more comic back stock of Marvel comics from the last three years than Marvel does.  Who's fault is that?  Mine.  One reason Marvel is profitable is because they don't get stuck with product that has no customers.  A lesson I finally get.


I think the correct answer to the Namor #2 IQ quiz is to order exactly the number of Namor #2's that you have orders for when you place your orders with the distributor.  NOT ONE MORE.  It has taken me a while to get what Mr. Jemas has been trying to teach me, but I get it now.


After all, if the company that has solicited a project from a creative team, given it a budget, ok'd the content all along the way, reviewed the project through its many stages, gets to look at the pre-orders from direct sales, subs and newstands and still doesn't feel printing extras is risk worth taking then why in the world would a dummy like me order more than I know I can sell?  With probably no more than two lines of description and maybe a couple of panels of art only an idiot would attempt such a thing with his own money.  I would be stupid to do that.  Now, I get it.


Sorry I took so long...