NW Studios USA has announced the May release of its widely acclaimed Brazilian comic, Spirit of the Amazon. The comic, which features superb Image-like artwork, has been an enormous success in Brazil, where it is second only to the X-Men in sales. The comic's storyline features six undercover extra-terrestrials, who have embarked on a secret mission, not to save some damsel in distress, but to protect the Earth's eco-system from ruthless exploitation caused by corrupt CEOs and their reckless corporations. Spirit of the Amazon will be featured in the March edition of Diamond's Previews, and will ship to retailers in May.
Although the art style is very much in the mode of modern American comics (some might even think that Michael Turner moved to Brazil and learned Portuguese), Spirit of the Amazon is a good deal more political than American superhero comics. Its politics reflect the situation in Brazil, where ruthless tycoons and landowners, often aided by government corruption, have despoiled the ecologically diverse and mineral rich Amazon basin in spite of the protests of indigenous people and the wishes of the majority of Brazilians. Anyone looking for a superhero comic with a political edge should check out the first installment of Spirit of the Amazon, 'Let the Countdown to the Green War Begin.'