Recently Marvel has been announcing the new creative teams for its Marvel Now rebooting of some of its major titles, which will be retooled and renumbered, but today the House of Ideas revealed a new creative team for Journey Into Mystery with writer Kathryn Immonen taking over for Kieron Gillen.  But in spite of the fact that Immonen’s tenure will mark a major change in the title, which will shift its focus from Loki to Lady Sif, Journey Into Mystery will not be part of the Marvel NOW! gradual remaking of the Marvel Universe.
Immonen will take over the writing chores on Journey with issue #646, so there will be no renumbering for this Asgardian title, which is steeped in Marvel’s version of Norse mythology, but which is not yet a part of the Marvel NOW! revamping process. The skilled Italian artist Valerio Schiti will provide the interior art for the revamped Journey Into Mystery.  
After the conclusion of its "Marvel Next Big Thing" press conference, the House of Ideas announced that in spite of the $3.99 cover price on the cover image that was released today, Journey Into Mystery will remain a $2.99 comic for the foreseeable future.