Our store sells comics, sports cards, video games and lots more so we are kind of adding to our big day. We are joining forces with the local movie house, which will be showing X-Men 2. They are donating movie passes and movie posters for a raffle we will be doing on the 5th. To enter the raffle you have to either see the movie the first weekend at THAT theater or buy stuff in our shop during the same weekend. Also, we will be passing out a bunch of flyers telling about Free Comic Book Day and if we can get away with it we will be passing out some of the X-Men comics as well to people who wouldn't normally know about our store.
Some of the U.S Army's local recruiters are big comic fans and also customers, so they may be adding some of their new video games to our raffle of goodies. Plus we may pass out some of their pencils and stickers too. We are also trying to get in touch with our local minor league baseball team (which I have box seats to) to see if we can pass out their new game schedules (and to see if they will add something to our raffle as well).
We also have a local comic convention, the first in 2 or 3 years, here at the end of April so we will be passing out flyers in the goodie bags they will be passing out. We are getting the chance to do this at no table cost because the person putting on the show is a long time customer and friend. A few of our customers either have local TV shows or are on the radio in some form and they have expressed their interest in spreading the word as well.