Nate Machado of New England Comics in Brockton, Massachusetts read the recent issue of ICv2’s Internal Correspondence and disagrees with our assessment that DC's 'New 52' is a "resounding success."
I just got through reading your latest issue of the ICv2’s Internal Correspondence and have to say I disagree some with what was reported.  Mainly that DC's 'New 52' is a resounding success.  It's been a decent success.  As expected all the sales/interest has been in Batman and the Batman Family of comics, with Green Lantern and it's family coming second (all of which were selling well to begin with and just got pumped up on "steroids" by making them part of the 'New 52').  Yes Aquaman (which would have sold with or without being part of the 'New 52'), Swamp Thing, and Animal Man are still strong and viable.  But the rest of the line is basically slumping back to wherever it was before the start of the 'New 52.'  Superman has gotten nothing from this at all (an absolute yawn for a series and completely useless re-tooling of the character).  Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, Supergirl, and Superboy are pretty much where they were, and DC is sinking Flash and Catwoman with the inferior writing and artwork on the titles they have put on now.  Plus DC is just "guess mining" in what to use to replace all the sub-mediocre titles that have been canceled and that as a retailer I knew would be canceled before they were even published.  Seemingly falling back to launching more and more "family related titles" to try and prop up the sales as we move further and further away from the hyped fervor of a year and half ago.  Until DC actually gets a deeper talent pool to draw from they are going to keep losing ground to Marvel over time.  You can only prop up the line with Batman and Green Lantern for so long.
And while Marvel NOW! is not as clear a marketing hype as 'New 52,' it's going over much better and lasting longer because the talent on the titles is better, and Marvel has made it easier to jump in right now.  Plus the line just has more happening with it.  You have the Avengers, All-New X-Men, Superior Spider-Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova, Age of Ultron, and the general Marvel core super hero titles to draw people's attention.  Basically offering up a better variety to choose from.  I, for the life of me, can't really recommend anything from DC besides Batman, Green Lantern, and Aquaman.  Yes, I sell a lot of the trades for those titles, but it's too concentrated and if there is any misstep in quality they will drop off.  While I will have more quality titles to sell from the Marvel line as they roll out.
DC may have gotten the attention with the complete relaunch, but the indications are they will lose in the long run because DC just does not know, or at least the current editorial team does not know, how to exploit the rest of its line-up.  Nor do they have the capability to draw in new talent to compliment the line.  Which Marvel does regularly on both the writing and art side.
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