Syfy announced a plethora of new series, miniseries, and reality shows at its upfront presentation on Wednesday. A new high-profile series based on Top Cow Production's The Test is in development. The comic series, by Matt Hawkins and Joshua Hale Fialkov, is to be adapted by famed director Robert Zemeckis and Jack Rapke. The Walking Dead executive producer David Alpert will exec produce this series, along with Circle of Confusion’s Rick Jacobs, Hawkins, and Marc Sylvestri.
Syfy has placed two miniseries based on science fiction works, Larry Niven’s Ringworld and Arthur C. Clarke’s Childhood’s End, in development.
Cosworld, a six-episode reality series about cosplay, will premiere August 27th.
Fandemonium, a six-episode reality series from the producer of Jersey Shore (we feel a chill), will follow fans living together in a L.A. apartment complex, premiering this fall.