"[T]he plaintiffs and the Marvel Defendants (including Disney) have amicably agreed to resolve all claims between, among, and against all parties," he wrote. "Because the agreement has not yet been executed, the parties are not yet in a position to dismiss the action."
A trial date had been set (see "'Ghost Rider' Trial Date Set") in the wake of Friedrich’s win on appeal, in which the court overturned Judge Forrest’s summary judgment and ruled that there were disputes of fact that would have to be resolved at trial (see "Friedrich Wins 'Ghost Rider' Appeal").
Presuming the agreement ends up getting executed, it’s refreshing to see a settlement in this dispute, which seemed for a time like other character ownership disputes in which the litigation goes on endlessly (see "Appeals Court Rules Against Kirby Heirs" and "Warner Bros. Scores Another Big Win in 'Supes' Case").