Details weren’t specific on what books or characters would be included, but Dynamite Senior Editor Joe Rybandt did say "Warren is truly a visionary storyteller and he's been given carte blanche to reimagine these characters and this world. The results will appeal to his existing fans for sure, but the world he is creating is accessible to all from the start."
The universe includes many public domain Golden Age heroes and villains that originated in the 1930s and 40s from companies including Fox Comics, Crestwood Publications, and Nedor Comics, brought together into a new shared world. Characters include Fighting Yank, The American Spirit, Green Lama, Black Terror, and The Flame among others. The initial Dynamite run, which ran between 2008 and 2010, was written by Jim Krueger and Alex Ross, with illustrations by Doug Klauba, Stephen Sadowski and Carlos Paul (see "Interview with Alex Ross").
"I've long been fascinated by the period in comics that produced these characters, and I'm very much looking forward to working out the strange, atmospheric take on the weird thriller that they inspired." said Ellis. "Also, it's going to be a pleasure to finally do a job through the good offices of my old friend Nick Barrucci."