Ilan Strasser of Fat Moose Comics and Games in Whippany, New Jersey is concerned over the amount of product being solicited for October shipping:


Hello to everyone from Ilan at Fat Moose Comics.  I have just gone through a cursory look at the just released August Previews and what I saw made my skin crawl.  The amount of product being solicited for October delivery is astounding.  But more than that, it is the manner in which this product is being solicited that is most alarming.  Marvel is publishing two issues for each of 11 different titles.  On top of that, Marvel is introducing five new ongoing series and offering three new hardcovers and 11 new trade paperbacks.  DC is soliciting 10 new ongoing or limited series and one-shots, four new hardcovers, 11 trade paperbacks, five major character busts, statues or action figures.  Image is introducing six new ongoing or limited series.


It is important to note that these new offerings are in addition to all the regular monthly and limited series books offered by these publishers.  And this huge influx of new titles doesn't take into account all the various new items offered by the alternative publishers in the rest of Previews.  Including previously released material, there are over 40 Halloween themed comics being offered throughout.  What does all this mean?  To my mind, it indicates that ALL the publishers have now adopted the same attitude, which is to do what is right for themselves instead of concentrating on the well being of the entire industry.  Each publisher is pushing out additional product in the hopes that it will take some revenue dollars out of the hands of its competitors.  There is no other explanation for the overwhelming increase in product offered the past six months, led by Marvel's litany of two issue a month series.


Even the wisest retailers utilizing every calculating tool in their arsenal will have their cash flows seriously compromised.  And if sell-through doesn't exceed at least 80-85%, some retailers are going to feel a death-like pinch.  Even the manga publishers are suffering from solicitation diarrhea with 4-5 new series starting every month.  There are simply not enough purchasers or dollars to chase this amount of product, and the amount seems to increase every month.  What about wide selection stores that also carry posters, statues, mini-busts, action figures, t-shirts, collectible card games, etc., etc.  Marvel and DC are leading the way with this product blitz and it appears neither one cares about the long-term financial health of this industry or its retailers.


One last point - With Marvel soliciting 61 new titles in the August Previews, why is it we won't have just about 15 Marvel titles shipping each week?  And hey DC, you'd think with the whopping 84 titles (not including trades or hardcovers!!) you solicited for September shipping, we should be getting 21 a week, no?  I guess it won't be too long till we're back in the days of 100+ titles per month from the Big Two.  At the very least, when publishers solicit large numbers of books, they should make sure that they all arrive on time and are evenly distributed over the course of the month.