Shawn Hamilton of The Great Escape in Nashville, Tennessee saw the first issue of Marvel Previews (see 'Marvel Adds Previews Supplement') and has two questions:


I want to address two questions to my fellow retailers concerning the recent issue of Marvel Previews #1.


1.  Why the increase in price to Previews magazine after the departure of Marvel from the magazine (I do realize that Marvel is not 'completely' gone)?  This dramatically increases my cost of providing Previews to my subscription customers who now receive this publication for free.  The creation of the Marvel Previews (priced at .99) also increases the cost of providing information to my customers, and the combination of both places me in the position of possibly cutting this service to my customers.


2.  How can Marvel expect me to carry a catalog of new product to my customers that also accepts advertising for items that are not offered by Diamond?  The inclusion of the 4-page Superlithos ad, which targets my customers and promotes the idea that they should log onto this site and do business elsewhere, is not only inappropriate but insulting.  I was under the impression that this was a tool to promote pre-order of Marvel product in my store.  Will I be giving this item free to my subscription customers?  NO!  Will I or other comic retailers carry this supposed promotional tool in our stores?  That's what I am asking all of you.  


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