Astonish Comics has announced a new 3-issue story arc continuing the adventures of Herobear and the Kid. The first comic in the new arc, Herobear and the Kid: Saving Time #1 is a 48-page black and white comic (with spot color) retailing for $3.50 and shipping to retailers in February. Retailers who order 25 or more copies of the first issue of Herobear and the Kid: Saving Time will receive a free 'in-between' book, which includes an extra six pages that tell the story of what happens 'in-between' two of the pages of the regular story, plus an additional four pages of artwork.
In spite of a somewhat irregular publication schedule, Herobear and the Kid has established itself as one of the premier new all ages comic book series. The property has been optioned by Hollywood (see 'Universal Options Herobear') and could have a major upside.