Green Ronin Publishing of Seattle, Washington has reached an agreement with Archangel Studios to license Christian Gossett's stylish comic series The Red Star for the d20 system.  Green Ronin plans to publish The Red Star Campaign, an essential guide to the world and characters of The Red Star in the summer of 2004.  The book will be printed in full color with illustrations by Archangel studio's art team.  The Red Star Campaign will be the first campaign setting for use with the 'Future' rules of the d20 system.


Unlike the typical campaign settings which have mythologized historical eras such as medieval Europe or feudal Japan, The Red Star provides the same treatment to Soviet Russia and the armies of the Cold War, placing them in an alternate universe and empowering the armies of the world with 'Military Industrial Sorcery.'  The characters, vehicles and modes of combat in The Red Star comics should make for some very interesting d20 campaigns.