Tim Davis of Alternate Reality in Chicago, Illinois, sent us an earlier comment on late Image books (see 'Tim Davis of Alternate Reality on Late Image Books'), which generated a response from Don Alsafi of G-Mart Comics, pointing out that he'd missed Spawn, which was running over a year late ('Don Alsafi of G-Mart Comics on Late Image Books' and 'Don Alsafi of G-Mart Comics on Re-solicited Spawn').  Only a few days later, Image and Diamond both confirmed that Spawn orders would be canceled and re-solicited (see 'Spawn To Be Re-Solicited').  Davis revisits the issue:


It's been two weeks (my time) since I last wrote on this topic and I thought I'd drop in again with an update on Image late titles.  After once again compiling my in-store late list of titles it looks like Image has now jacked itself up one title to 37 line items on their MIA list.  And the 'missing in action' are:


Bad Ideas #2

Bloodstream #4

Casefiles: Sam and Twitch #10

Casefiles: Sam and Twitch #11

Casefiles: Sam and Twitch #14

Casefiles Sam and Twitch #15

Clockmaker Act III

Cloudburst GN

Dawn: Three Tiers #4

Dawn: Three Tiers #5

Doctor Cyborg GN+Incentive

Frankenstein Mobster #4 Cvrs A-B

Heaven's Devils #4

Hellhounds #5 Cvrs. A-B

Hellhounds #6+Incentive

Jack Staff #6

Jack Staff #7

Liberty Meadows Sourcebook

Liberty Meadows #37

Mage Vol. I: The Hero Discovered HC

NYC Mech #4

Patient Zero #4

Proximity Effect GN

PvP #8

PvP #9

Rex Mundi #11

Rex Mundi #12

Savage Dragon #115

Savage Dragon #116

Savage Dragon #117

Something Wicked #4+Incentive

Walking Dead #10

Wanted #5


Generally speaking the titles that are missing from the last list I sent have been replaced by new late titles (plus 1 this time) and date extensions on the ongoing tardy.  I should note Casefiles: Sam and Twitch #12 and #13 are absent from this list.  I'm not sure what the status of these two books are, but you don't have to do a whole lot of figuring to come to the conclusion they are also late.  That being the case, the actual total gets bumped up to 39 late items.


The last time I did this I also mentioned the comparison between the number of late Image books out there and the number of new titles solicited in Previews by Image for that month.  We have a new Previews catalog since that letter (Vol. XIV #6) and this month there are 46 NEW comic books, trades and graphic novels listed.  Once again the 46 total does NOT count 'Order Agains,' action figures or (this time) posters.  So at this moment in time Image still has essentially a month's worth of books out into limbo.  Say what you want about CrossGen, at least they got their books out on time.


Before I get out of here a word to Don Alsafi of G-Mart Comics.  Thank you sir for pointing out that I missed the 2000 pound purple gorilla in the room on the last list.  Spawn is one of those titles that has been such a basket case (shipping wise) for so many years that I don't even think of it in terms of being late anymore.  The only time the sheer ridiculousness of its current schedule even becomes an issue for me is when I am doing my Previews orders and I hit Spawn on the order form.  'Lets see, I'm ordering #148 and how many copies of the most recent issue (#134) do I have left?  Oh, my look at that, Todd's 14 issues behind.  How nice for him.  Since it is 14 issues off schedule that means any numbers I put in on this order form for Spawn ARE MEANINGLESS!  I think I'll order a couple hundred more than I need so I can practice stripping covers off books to be returned to Diamond!'  Anyway, thanks Don.  I don't know how I missed it.


Oh and thanks to Eric Larsen as well for going to TMP and putting the perennial joke of Image's shipping schedule to rest; at least for now.  I'll be looking forward to the above list shrinking dramatically over the next month or so as Mr. Larsen takes firm control of Image.


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