Komikwerks and ibooks are preparing to publish Stan Lee's Alexa, a 48-page full color graphic novel with art by Steranko, Dave Gibbons, Dan Jurgens, John Royle and Chris Malgrain. Drawing on his vast experience in publishing, Stan Lee has set this tale of a female superheroine in the world of comics, where Alexa Moran works as one of the top artists at a major comic book company known as The Fantasy Factory. When two 20-foot-tall giants appear in New York city, Alexa's boss wants to put them under contract as real live superheroes, but there are a few problems: Alexa knows that she opened an interdimensional portal allowing the giants into our reality, but she doesn't know how she did it or how she received the powers that she is beginning to realize she has.
Look for 'Stan the Man's' latest graphic novel series to arrive next February in squarebound, 48-page, full color format with a cover price of $6.95.