Daniel Worthington of Lone Star Comics in Plano, Texas sent us his comments on Free Comic Book Day -- 'A MOST satisfying day:'


The day as a whole was long, satisfying, and EXHAUSTING.  To start with, I had two employees go out to a local theater to pass out last year's Free Comic Book Day comics in order to draw in moviegoers to today's FCBD (they left in the morning and came back early afternoon).


Rob, one of my employees at the theater, heard that there was a fight going on outside, and went out to investigate.  There he learned that it was a staged re-enactment of a medieval battle performed by the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism); I'm assuming it was for the release of 'Kingdom of Heaven.'  It was a 'contest of arms between two knights,' though he showed up too late to learn WHICH two knights.  He did, however, take the opportunity to give comics to the 'ladies of the court' and to the 'young squires' in attendance, of which I'm assured pictures were taken.


The second noteworthy occurrence was rather flattering.  One customer came in for FCBD and was treated with the same dignity and respect that we show all our customers, so not much was thought about it on our end.  It was apparently noteworthy enough in the gentleman's mind that he came back later in the day with gifts of Krispy Kreme donuts (to my knowledge, the gentleman doesn't work there, he just assumed we'd like them).  He thanked us for our 'exceptional customer service,' claiming to never have been treated as well in a comic store as he has been in Lone Star Comics in Plano.  I was flattered, to say the least - I honestly had no idea WHAT to tell the gentleman.


In total, we had 281 people show up for FCBD this year, half of which (by my estimation) were not regular (and thus, known) customers, and 83 of which were children.  A MOST satisfying day.