David Romeo, Jr. of Comics on the Green in Scranton, Pennsylvania tells us what happened at his store on Free Comic Book Day (see '2005 Free Comic Book Day in the Books'), where the event just keeps getting bigger:


If this year is an indication, Free Comic Book Day will stand on its own as a terrific family event that just keeps getting bigger!  We were lucky to have Joe Linsner and Eva Hopkins, both of Dawn fame, signing here this year, and our crowd was bigger than previous years.  Joe was doing sketches to benefit the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, and we raised almost $500.00 in a relatively short amount of time.  Joe and Eva were extremely nice to the fans, and were great ambassadors for the comic world.  Fans were in a terrific mood all day, and didn't mind waiting in line up to an hour to meet the artists.


We never really had time to count our customers, as they began lining up well before our opening time of 11 am, and filed in non-stop for the next 6 hours.  Fans came from all over our area, and THREE other states as well, to see Mr. Linsner, and to grab the free goodies of course.  It was especially nice to see families and children of all ages participate in the event.  We handed out balloons to the kiddies, which became an even bigger hit that we thought (and never underestimate the power of a helium balloon)!  Many of our regular customers were there, but if I had to guess, I'd have to say more than 50% of attendees were fresh faces to our store.  This was easily the most successful FCBD to date for us, and it's only up from here!