We spoke to Upper Deck Retail Organized Play Manager Andy Fletcher at the recent GAMA Trade Show in Las Vegas about the relaunched Yu- Gi-Oh! organized play program, its Versus program, and programs for the new Quickstrike and World of Warcraft games.


Upper Deck's retooled Yu-Gi-Oh! hobby league (see 'Upper Deck Retools Yu Gi Oh Hobby Store League') has been growing steadily, according to Fletcher.  Roughly 425 stores are participating in the program in its fifth month, up from 325 when it re-launched in December.  That's also a larger number than were participating when the decision was made to retool.  About 800 stores participate in Yu-Gi-Oh! leagues worldwide.


Aftermarket prices for the cards in the league kits are supporting some of the growth; prices are ranging from $10 to $35 on eBay, according to Fletcher.


The Vs. Hobby League, currently in its 18th month in its current incarnation, has about 275 stores participating in North America, a number that's been roughly stable for the last eight to nine months.  Worldwide, there are somewhere south of 500 store participating.  Fletcher noted that the Vs. league appeals more to core gamers than the Yu-Gi-Oh! league, which appeals to more gamers at an early level of their gaming participation.


Upper Deck's Quickstrike League, which will support sales of its Avatar and Pirates of the Caribbean TCGs is getting a soft launch in April and May.  The company is currently looking at several options for league premiums:  foiling cards with higher perceived value, using new foiling techniques, or doing premium versions of chamber cards. 


The league for the World of Warcraft TCG (see 'World of Warcraft Is Upper Deck's Major Initiative') will launch simultaneously with the game at full scale, with both a hobby store league and convention tournaments.  The target for the league includes players of the online game and lapsed TCG players, so Upper Deck does not want it to be 'too competitive.'  Accordingly, there will be no organized play with cash prizes.  The World of Warcraft League will be 'a little more hobby-focused than the Yu-Gi- Oh! and Vs. Leagues,' according to Fletcher.  Although Upper Deck's Premier Tournament Organizers, who run the Vs. and Yu-Go-Oh! events, will have an integral role in organized play for World of Warcraft, the company wants to give hobby retailers as many opportunities as possible to participate. 


Fletcher said there are 'limitless' possibilities for prizes for the WoW League.  They plan to use premium cards with reward points for players to redeem on the Upper Deck site for real-world merchandise, up to and including cars and motorcycles.  At a lower level, points could be redeemed for game accessories and foil cards.