Jim Crocker of Modern Myths in Northampton, Massachusetts saw the column by Steve Bennett on his 'Modest Manifesto' on superhero comics (see 'Confessions of a Comic Book Guy--A Modest Manifesto') and feels that there's room for more than one kind of superhero comic:


Steve says in his column, 'And as to what we can do about it...well, there's no law saying we have to order comics like A Man Called Kev.'


To paraphrase Dredd (a superhero who knows how to make sure his villains don't come back, dammit!): 'My customers are the law.'


If they stop asking me to put those books on thier lists, I'll stop ordering them (except for myself, because I happen to really like most of Ennis and Ellis' writing...).  But I don't see it happening any time soon, because these stories have clearly touched a different nerve than the one that's stinging Steve right now.  I submit that they can co-exist in a world where we sell more than one kind of comic book, even, perhaps, more than one kind of superhero comic book.


Personally, I don't think that railing against a particular form of entertainment is as effective a deterrent as selling the virtues of things you like.  Anyone can complain, it's pushing the alternatives (and there are plenty!) to your rant-of-the-month that shows your chops as a retailer, and gets results.


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