Fox Atomic, the youth focused entertainment unit of Fox Filmed Entertainment, has announced a partnership with HarperCollins to publish and distribute graphic novels aimed at horror movie fans under the Fox Atomic Comics imprint. Four graphic novels are scheduled for 2007 release, with content tied to Fox Atomic theatrical releases (and some graphic novel originals). Under the terms of the agreement Fox Atomic supplies the creative direction with all the publishing rights to graphic novels handled exclusively by HarperCollins. HarperCollins will be responsible for all in-store marketing for the book trade and other channels while Fox Atomic Comics will create awareness via online, regional, media and theatrical-based promotions.
The target for the Fox Atomic Comics releases is the core 16-34 year old male movie genre fans, which is obvious from the three horror titles announced for 2007 which include 28 Days Later: The Aftermath written by horror comics maven Steve Niles (30 Days of Night), a graphic novel that will function as a bridge between the cult hit zombie film and its sequel (28 Weeks Later), The Hills Have Eyes: The Beginning, which is inspired by the Wes Craven horror classic, and The Nightmare Factory a horror comics anthology based on the popular series of prose horror anthologies by Thomas Ligotti.