David Petersen's fantasy series Mouse Guard (published by Archaia Studio Press) has become a surprise hit in the direct market with strong backlist sales reflected in the number of printings for each issue.  The first issue of the full color saga, which features medieval mice (in the year 1149) who defend their species against all manner of predators, has been through three printings and sold over 18,000 copies.  Issues #2 and #3 have both been through two printings and sold over 15,000 copies, while issue #4, which was published in August, has already sold over 14,000.


Issue #5 ($3.50) will ship in October and the sixth and final issue is due out in December.  Archaia plans on publishing a Collected Edition in the spring of next year.  The Collected Edition will be a hardcover and should have considerable potential in the bookstore market.  Mouse Guard, which is rated 10+ because of 'Mild Mouse Violence,' also has a bright future in libraries.