Anita Olin (professional affiliation withheld on request) saw the column by Steve Bennett that described a Wiccan customer (see 'Confessions of a Comic Book Guy -- 'I Hate Comics''), and sent us this comment:
I just felt the burning desire to clarify this from the January 5th column:
'So when the college girl came into Dark Star looking for 'paranormal romances,' kind of like the Laurel K. Hamilton books without the vampires (turns out she was a Wiccan and Wiccans are fundamentally opposed to vampires; who knew?), she got my full attention.'
Wicca, as a particularly inclusive religion, is not 'fundamentaly opposed' to much of anything, including vampires. I am a Wiccan, and I enjoy vampire fiction a great deal, and I have explored the history of vampires in folklore and the modern vampire subculture. Your customer may have a personal dislike for vampires, or she may have been instructed by Wiccans who dislike vampires, but the whole of Wicca (as nebulously defined as it often is) doesn't oppose vampires or the concept of them.
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