White Wolf announced that Mike Tinney took over as President and CEO as of January 2002, replacing Steve Wieck, who co-founded the company with his brother Stewart Wieck and served as President for the last ten years. Tinney has been with White Wolf since 1992, and had creative roles until 1996. His creative credits included the co-design of the Mind's Eye Theater Live-Action Roleplaying Systems and the Rage CCG. Since 1996 he has been Vice President of Marketing and Vice President of Licensing. On the business side, he was responsible for the company's computer game partnerships and upcoming action figure lines. Wieck will be spending more time on the creating products in the future and said, 'As the majority owners and controlling partners in White Wolf, my brother Stewart and I remain 100% engaged in White Wolf's business.'
As of January
Posted by ICv2 on March 6, 2002 @ 11:00 pm CT

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