At the GAMA trade show Days of Wonder has announced the July North American release of the Small World Realms Expansion (MSRP $35), a major expansion to the Small World board game universe that can be played with either the original Small World board game or Small World Underground, the complete game follow-up that was released in 2011.
Small World Realms includes numerous puzzle-like Terrain regions that can be assembled into variously sized and shaped board maps.  Map designs can be based on any of the 12 preset scenarios created by the game’s designer Philippe Keyaerts, but in addition to conquering those, players can combine the Terrain pieces to create their own custom maps and scenarios.
The deluxe Small World Realms Expansion box includes 26 Geomorphic Hex-shaped Terrain tiles featuring three regions each, along with 12 mountain tiles, 6 chasms, 4 peaks, 1 game turn marker and track, 12 tunnels, 10 victory coin mines, 6 river border markers, 1 rusted throne, and 7 additional tokens that can be used for custom scenarios.