Fate Reforged cards will be available in Booster Packs, Intro Packs, Fat Packs, and Clash Packs. Ken Nagle led a team including Jennifer Clarke Wilkes, Ethan Fleischer, David Humpherys, Mark Rosewater, and Gavin Verhey that was responsible for the initial concept and design of the set, while David Humpherys led the final game design and development team that also included Ian Duke, Mark L. Gottleib, Ben Hayes, Ryan Spain, and Matt Tabak.
The Khans of Tarkir will be last 3-set block that WotC has planned for Magic: The Gathering. In the fall of 2015 WotC is changing M:TG from a three-set block followed by a core release to a two-block, twice a year release (see "Major Changes to 'Magic: The Gathering'"), in part because of the difficulty in keeping interest up for the third set in a block.