Brian Mayne of MCS Cards, Comics, & Gaming of Bluffton, Indiana wants Upper Deck to try Magic-style formats for Yu-Gi-Oh!:


It's time Upper Deck takes a play out of Wizards of the Coasts type formats in order to increase sales of new products. 


Let's be honest.  With Magic's various formats, players are 'forced' to buy the new products to play type 2; this gives players just another reason to purchase these new items.  If WotC hadn't done this, everyone would still be forced to just play with their power nine cards and have no reason to purchase anything new.


I've run a few type 'New' formats, which allowed cards from Cybernetics on up, plus the past four structure or starter decks, and the feedback from newer players was great!!!  Now the older players weren't in favor of it, because they didn't always win... Gee what a surprise.

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