The "parts" in question include interviews with such luminaries as Rick Baker, John Carpenter, Steven Spielberg, and Haruo "Godzilla" Nakajima, along with articles on Ultraman, Dracula, Island of Lost Souls, and Hammer Films.
Members of the FM staff discuss the evolution of the current incarnation of Famous Monsters of Filmland, which began with #251, and there are vintage articles written by founding FM editor, the late Forrest J Ackerman (see "Forrest J Ackerman Dead at 92"). Plus, there’s a cover gallery with all 23 covers, including every variant.
The Famous Monsters of Filmland 2010/2011 Fearbook will be published on 100-pound matte finish coated stock paper in black and white and color. It will measure 9.5" x 12" and carry a suggested retail price of $59.99. Cover art is Rick Baker’s Frankenstein monster from the variant cover edition of FM #257, which was produced exclusively for the 2011 Comic Con International: San Diego.
--Brett Weiss