Issue #1 Cover
The ka-tet is assembling.  Marvel Comics announced the September release of the first issue of The Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three—The Lady of Shadows.  This latest chapter in Stephen King’s Dark Tower saga will be a five-issue Marvel Comics series written by Peter David & Robin Furth (who have been penning Marvel’s Dark Tower comics right along) with art by Jonathan Marks.  The Lady of Shadows continues King’s saga with a narrative that is seen through the eyes of one series’ fan-favorite characters (something Marvel has been doing for a while with its Drawing of the Three story arcs--see “Dark Tower: Drawing of the Three—The Prisoner”).

In The Lady of the Shadows arc that begins this September, the Gunslinger Roland and his youthful companion Eddie Dean must locate the third member of their ka-tet, who turns out to be a mysterious civil rights activist named Odetta Holmes, who lives in the South and harbors a deep secret.  Nimit Malavia has create the intriguing cover for The Lady of Shadows #1, which introduces Odetta Holmes to the Marvel Dark Tower series in September.

The long-gestating movie (or TV) adaptation of King’s Dark Tower series has just undergone one of its periodic revivals—this time it’s a big screen version that is in development (see “The Dark Tower Rises Again in Hollywood”).