Based on feedback we’ve gotten from retailers, we’ll be lowering the ordering thresholds on February’s series of Joe Jusko Corner Box Variants,” a Marvel Representative told ICv2. “Lowered thresholds means these covers should be easier for retailers to qualify for making them more readily available to fans. Retailers are encouraged to check with their Diamond Reps for how these new thresholds affect them individually or look for information in their weekly Marvel Mailer & Diamond Daily stories.”
The new ordering information will be posted tomorrow afternoon or at the latest Friday when the Marvel Mailer is released.
The first variants were unveiled on November 22, and can be seen here: “Marvel Corner Box Variant Covers.” In the gallery below are:
- Black Panther #11
- Nova #13
- Doctor Strange #17
(Description of preview: 3 variant covers)
(Retailers may have to meet various requirements to be able to offer these variants to consumers.)