The new expansion will tie in directly to the events occurring in the animated series during July, featuring the Chaos flagged deck used by the characters Wisdom and Geargod VII. This flag gives players the ability to mix cards from different worlds, opening up more diverse strategy options. The cards from these three releases are all designed to work well together, as well as interacting with Dragon World, Star Dragon World, and Darkness Dragon World cards.
The Chaos Control Crisis Booster Pack set will be the centerpiece of the expansion. Packed in random 5-card boosters, this set includes a total of 114 cards with the following rarities: 3 BR, 6 SP, 8 RRR, 12 RR, 25 R, 30 U, and 30 C. An unspecified number of these cards will be reissued cards.
Intended for more experienced players, the two new Trial Decks are both pre-constructed 52-card decks. Decimating Black Dragon includes 14 varieties of new cards as well as 2 re-issues and 1 flag. Ruler of Havoc includes only new card types, with a total of 16 varieties and 1 flag. Both decks have 3 foil cards. In addition, each deck comes with a life counter, game rules, and a playmat.
The new boosters and trial decks will release a month after the Crossing Generations boosters (see “First ‘Future Card Buddy Fight X’ Booster Alternative”).