Venerated Japanese anime series Cowboy Bebop is headed to a live action adaptation reports Variety. The adaptation is courtesy Tomorrow Studios, a partnership between ITV Studios and Marty Adelstein that is also behind the Snowpiercer pilot for TNT (see “TNT Orders 'Snowpiercer' Pilot”). Sunset Inc., the studio behind the anime, will executive produce with Midnight Radio, Marty Adelstein, Becky Clements, and Matthew Weinberg. Details on cast, network, and release date were not revealed. The 2071-set anime centered on ultra-cool Spike Spiegel and his fellow bounty hunters (or “cowboys”) and ran for 26 episodes. It was the first anime to air on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim and inspired an animated feature film, manga, and games. At one point, a live action film starring Keanu Reeves was in production, but it never came to fruition (see “Cowboy Bebop Film Confirmed”).
With more than 250 episodes in the can, CW’s Supernatural is no stranger to breaking the fourth wall, poking fun at itself, and going meta, but the series’ latest play on format takes the… snack. Entertainment Weekly reporsts that during CW’s 2017 upfronts, stars Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki revealed that the upcoming 13th season will include an animated crossover with cowardly monster-hunting Great Dane Scooby-Doo. It’s unknown whether the rest of the Scooby Gang will make an appearance. It should be noted that this isn’t the first time the Winchesters have been animated -- Japan’s Madhouse made anime adaptations of the first two seasons of the TV series (see “'Conan' & 'Supernatural' Cartoons, 'Source Code' & More”).
Everyone -- including some state troopers and the Saint of Killers -- is out to get Jesse Custer, Tulip, and Cassidy in the trailer for the second season of AMC’s Preacher. As Jesse gets the hang of his new powers, the action also moves from Texas to New Orleans in the live-action series based on Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon’s groundbreaking comic (see "AMC Seals Deal for 'Preacher' TV Series"). The first season opened to largely positive reviews, but saw a dip in viewership after the pilot aired. It finished strong, earning a spot among the top 10 cable dramas of the year (via Deadline). The new season premieres June 25.
{IMAGE_5}Disney XD launched the first in a series of six 2-minute animated shorts inspired by Marvel’s Ant-Man reports Screenrant. The shorts are animated by Passion Pictures, the studio behind the Gorillaz music videos, and directed by French filmmakers Ugo Bienvenu and Kevin Manach (see “Two Marvel Animated Series to Be Made in France”). Three shorts -- “Science Fair,” “Alien Invasion,” and “Soup Time” -- posted on YouTube today. All six shorts are expected to air June 10 - 11 on Disney XD.
Geek TV Round-Up, with Videos!
Posted by ICv2 on June 7, 2017 @ 12:31 am CT
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