The series is written by Bunn (X-Men Blue, Deadpool, venom, Dark Ark), with art by Mirko Colak (The Punisher). The two recently teamed on the Arthurian horror series Unholy Grail (see “Preview: 'Unholy Grail' #1”). The first issue will feature a cover by Colak and Maria Santaolalla and a variant by Francesco Francavilla.
The real life Dracula , Vlad the Impaler, is well known for his murderous legacy, but what experiences turned him into a depraved killer? This story explains his life before the legend, when Vlad was a teenager and he and his brother Radu were held hostage by the Ottoman Empire. The brothers learned many things in the Ottoman court, riding, archery, court politics, and also, how to slay vampires.
See both covers and a sample page in the gallery below.