Dinosaur Island was created by Jon Gilmour (Dead of Winter) and Brian Lewis (Titans of Industry) last year (see “Pandasaurus Heads for ‘Dinosaur Island’”). After enjoying a half-million dollar Kickstarter campaign and critical acclaim, it quickly sold out in the trade. Now the company is producing the Dinosaur Island X-treme Edition, with upgraded components.
In addition to a reprint of the base game, Pandasaurus is also offering the Dinosaur Island: Totally Liquid Expansion. This set includes pieces to add a fifth player to the game, as well as new extensions for the game: water-inhabiting dinosaurs, secret blueprints that award points to players who complete their goals, Executive Workers for each company that have unique abilities, and the extra-dangerous “Mega Rex” dinosaur.
Totally Liquid will include 1 park board, 1 lab board, 9 workers, 3 scientists, 16 cubes, 9 tokens, 13 tiles, 6 dice, 52 cards, and 6 facility boards.
Rounding out the trio of dinos will be the stand-alone two-player game Duelosaur Island. Created by Ian Moss and Jon Gilmour, this game combines the theme of the original game with new hand-management and dice drafting mechanics. It also features five all-new DNA dice that can be used with the original Dinosaur Island.Duelosaur Island comes with 1 track board, 1 draft board, 2 company boards, 5 dice, 72 cards, 21 cubes, and 48 tokens.
Pandasaurus is funding the production of all three titles through a Kickstarter campaign that has hit the one million dollar mark with 21 days to go. Backer fulfillment is scheduled for November, with release into the trade to follow. Details of the trade release, including MSRP, have not yet been released.