Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures kicks off with a series of six animated shorts that combine dialogue, music, and sound effects from the original film trilogy as well as new material to introduce kids to the Star Wars universe. The series also incorporates mixed media educational add ons and more to welcome young viewers to the galaxy far, far away, and additional shorts will be added in December and on a regular basis throughout 2019. A line of Hasbro toys tied to the initiative will be available exclusively at Walmart on December 1 before going nationwide in January.
While Marvel publishes many of the comics based on the Star Wars universe, including an event series kicking off in December (see “The Dawning of the 'Age of Star Wars'”), IDW currently publishes the Star Wars comics for younger readers (see “IDW Preps Scary 'Star Wars' Kids Comic”).
The final installment in the feature film trilogies is set to bow December 20, 2019 (see “From Tardis to Tie Fighter - Matt Smith Executes Quantum Shift”).