X-Men: Eve of Destruction finds Magneto reigning over Genosha and set on destroying the remaining X-Men, who are at their weakest after the ravages of the Legacy Virus. The hardcover collects Magneto: Dark Seduction #1-4, Uncanny X-Men (1981) #390-393 and Annual 2000, X-Men (1991) #110-113, X-Men Forever (2001) #1-6, X-Men: Declassified, X-Men Unlimited (1993) #30-33, and X-Men: The Search for Cyclops #1-4. It features work by Fabian Nicieza, Scott Lobdell, Fiona Avery, Karl Bollers, John Ostrander, Steven Grant, Will Pfeifer, Joseph Harris, Roger Cruz, Salvador Larroca, Tom Raney, Esad Ribic, Leinil Francis Yu, Kevin Maguire, Pasqual Ferry, and many more. The volume is covered by Ian Churchill.
In July, Marvel is marking milestones in X-Men history with a series of trade paperback collections (see “Marvel Marks 'X-Men Milestones'”), and some of these classic storylines will be reimagined through the eyes of Cosmic Ghost Rider in a six-issue miniseries that starts in March (see “Cosmic Ghost Rider Will Destroy Marvel History This March”).