Based on the all ages novel series first written in 1986 by Ann M. Martin, the series will be executive produced by Walden Media and Michael Del Luca, showrun by Rachel Shukert (GLOW) and directed by Lucia Aniello (Broad City). Previously adapted for the small screen in the 1990’s, Melissa Cobb, Vice President of Kids & Family at Netflix, said the goal of their adaptation “is to contemporize the storylines and adventures of this iconic group of girlfriends to reflect modern-day issues.”
This reboot is riding the resurgent wave of popularity for the franchise; Telgemeier, a perennial best-selling all-ages creator (see Raina Telgemeier's Newly Announced Graphic Novel Gets Million Copy Print Run), routinely breaks graphic novel sales records. With her Graphix-produced comic adaptation claiming the top spot for kids graphic novel franchises in Spring 2017 (see Top 10 Kids Graphic Novel Franchises - Spring 2017), Telgemeier’s Babysitters Club series is no outlier for sales records.The 10-episode series will follow the four main characters of the Babysitters Club, Kristy Thomas, Mary Anne Spier, Claudia Kishi, Stacey McGill and Dawn Schafer as they navigate the nuances of friendship and babysitting in the small town of Stoneybrook, Connecticut.