Conan's adventures would become legend, but before he became king, he was Conan the Barbarian. In this new trade paperback, Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith bring Robert E. Howard’s barbarian to four-color life, and have restored the art to match the epic majesty of their original editions. Conan the Barbarian: Coming of Conan collects the 1970 editions of Conan the Barbarian #1-13 and includes material from Chamber of Darkness #4 into a single volume. It is written by Roy Thomas and John Jakes, penciled by Barry Windsor-Smith with Gil Kane, and features a cover by Barry Windsor-Smith.
Conan the Barbarian: Coming of Conan will be 352 pages and will retail for $34.99.
Marvel Comics also announced The Marvel Art Of Savage Sword Of Conan for release in August 2020 (see "A 'Conan' Art Collection Worthy of Crom Himself").