Originally written by Len Win and illustrated by Dave Cockrum, 1975’s Giant-Size X-Men #1 tells the story of Professor Xavier recruiting a new team of X-Men in the hopes of rescuing the original X-Men who had gone missing. The issue introduced Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Thunderbird to the comics, as well as bringing in fan-favorite Wolverine to the team for the first time.
The Giant-Size X-Men: Tribute to Wein & Cockrum #1 will feature 37 different artist reimagining each page in their style. The artists included are Alex Ross, Kevin Nowlan, Chris Samnee, Marcus To, Siya Our, Stephen Segovia, Marguerite Sauvage, Carmen Carnero, Bernard Chang, Aaron Kuder, Takeshi Miyazawa, Juann Cabal, Gurihiru, Mark Brooks, Kris Anna, Phil Noto, Valerio Schiti, Leinil Francis Yu, Matteo Lolli, Ema Lupacchino, Carlos Gomez, Iran Coello, R.B. Silva, Ramon Rosanas, Joshua Cassara, David Baldeon, Marcelo Ferreira, Javier Garron, Rod Reis, Javier Rodriguez, Marco Checchetoo, Jen Bartel, Mike Del Muno, Rahzzah, Pepe Larraz, and Mike Hawthorne.
Marvel began a new series of Giant-Size X-Men by Jonathan Hickman this month (see “‘Giant-Size X-Men’ Returns”).